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  Public Ticket #2101630
Customize the Instagram sidebar and footer


  • fatimazahra started the conversation

    hello thank you for the theme so far  I m happy with it.

    For my Instagram theme widget. I want to show specific pictures that I choose based on hashtags. I dont want to show the latest pictures please can you help

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme and loving it.

    If so, you can edit the Instagram Slider Widget and fill the tag you want to get image on "Hastag"smile.png

    Best Regards,


  • fatimazahra replied

    thank you but this is not working I set a hashtag and then its give me other's people Instagram account using the same hashtag I want it just from my account 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Of course it will get all hastag from Instagram - not get from your account only - that's normal because Instagram just provide API for get hastag of all images has that hastag.

    I recommend you set a new unique hastag for images you want to show on your site and use this new hastag for your instagram widget.

    Best Regards,
