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  Public Ticket #2106200
Problem to see new post


  • TinasInreOas started the conversation


    I wonder why I have problem to show my new blogpost? In browser Safari there is no problem at all. In browser Google Chrome my new blog posts can't been seeing.

    So what is wrong here? My blog is not longer mobile friendly.

    Before when I used another theme I didn't have this problem at all.

    Best regards Tina

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ It seems the caching issues, please make sure you clearly all the cache and check it again.

    2/ Have you checked your site on mobile? Is it good? If that, let's ignore that issue. It doesn't affect anything to your sitesmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • TinasInreOas replied


    I still haveĀ  issue with the all cache memory. The problem is when I have change font or image on main page or change my menu it will not change it on mobile or if I have link to my website from Instagram or other social media.
    This bothers me a lot when my website and my blog are not working as it should. So for the moment I need to remember to empty the whole cache memory time to time and hope that this will be working so reader can read the news on my website and new post. This take time and energy from me. I hope that it must be a solution on this.

    Best regards


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you don't want to use a caching for your site. Let's clearly all the cache & deactivate cache plugins you're using.

    And contact with your hosting provider and requirement theme disable the cache from the hosting for your sitesmile.png

    Best Regards,
