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  Public Ticket #2110582
amp errors


  •  1
    joyfullygrowing started the conversation


    I am getting multiple AMP errors on all of my pages & posts. How can this be fixed?

    -A tag on this page requires an AMP component 'script' tag, which is missing.

    -A mandatory AMP HTML tag is missing from this document.

    -Custom JavaScript is not allowed.

    Thanks, Mike

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The AMP pages doesn't allow for custom js and too much other things.

    And you have a plugin WP Rocket has been minified js and render to front-end.

    I don't recommend you use WP Rocket if you use AMP because that plugin will make any site can't be validate with AMP.

    Please clearly all the cache and deactivate WP Rocket - and check this guide to know how to optimize your site by use W3 Total Cache & Autoptimize.

    Best Regards,
