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  Public Ticket #2114770
How to run Google Ads in Penci Banner Boxes


  • papaMel started the conversation

    I have read all the posts related to ads.

    I do not understand how to set up ads in the Penci Banner Boxes. There are no posts I can find in the support forum that specifically talk about running ads in the Penci Banner Boxes. There is hardly any mention of the Penci Banner Boxes in the support forum at all.

    I want to run Google AdSense in the Penci Banner Boxes. 

    There is not a field for inserting ad code in the Penci Banner Box. See image below titled "Penci Banner Box image.jpg" 

    I tried inserting ad code in the Banner Link field, which then does send a click on that banner box image to the url link -- but I don't want a one time link on a banner box.

    I also tried inserting ad code into a PenNews Custom HTML widget, which I dragged to my right sidebar. Again, the link worked, but there was no ad image, just a box that had an active link in it. I'm sure I could figure out how to add the code for an image into the url code -- but again, I do not want to have to manually insert and change and manage ads. 

    I do not want to run single ads. I do not want to have to manually insert ad images or code. 

    I want to use Google AdSense on my site, and let Google run the ads.

    I want to run Google AdSense in the Penci Banner Boxes -- or in the place where the Penci Banner Boxes appear on my website (which is exactly where they were in the PenNews Demo). 

    See image below titled Penci Banner Boxes on MusiciansChannel.jpg

    How do I do this?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    If you want use image ads, use can use "Penci Banner Box" ( )  

    If you want use code ads, please use "Raw Html" (, )

    Here is all ads space inside the theme now:

    - Customize > Homepage Options > Add Google Adsense Code Below Featured Slider

    - Customize > General Options > Google Adsense Code to Display Above Posts Layout for Archive Pages ( display on category, tags, search, archive page )

    - Customize > General Options >  Google Adsense Code to Display Below Posts Layout for Archive Pages ( display on category, tags, search, archive page )

    - Customize > Footer Options > Add Google Adsense Code Above Footer

    - Customize > Single Options > Add Google Adsense code below post description ( display on single a post )

    - Customize > Single Options > Add Google Adsense code in the end of content posts ( display on single a post )

    - Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Custom HTML" to "Main Sidebar" and put your ads code to "Content" of "Custom HTML" widget.

    Best Regards,


  • papaMel replied

    Thank you for your previous instructions regarding using Raw HTML instead of Penci Banner Box to run Google AdSense ads. 

    That worked perfectly on all my main pages at

    However, I'm having a weird issue on my Widget sidebar ads on the "blog" pages (the pages shown when someone clicks on a piece of my content to read the actual article, or see the actual video). 

    The Google AdSense is successfully loading ads to most of these spots most of the time -- but not always. Sometimes no ad shows up. I don't know if this is due to my site being somewhat new, and new to Google AdSense, or something else. 

    But the question I have for you is: I'm using the Custom HTML blocks as I was instructed to do by a Wordpress instructional site. Why are the ads that do show up in the Widget sidebars ad spots not staying within the boundaries of the sidebar? They ads are sticking out to the right of the left or right columns. See image below.

  • papaMel replied

    The ad block in the left sidebar is also sticking out to the right of the column boundary, and interfering with the middle column content. See image attached.

  • papaMel replied

    I told Google AdSense my ad blocks were 300 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall. 

    Is that not the dimension of the Widget left and right sidebar ad spaces using the Custom HTML block?

    Do I need to create a smaller width ad block in AdSense to insert in these Widget Custom HTML blocks? 

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please go to Customize > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do change with of iframe

    .widget_text .iframe {
    max-width: 100% !important;

    Best Regards,


  • Adam replied

    I add the code. Ads are still not lined up. 

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please  send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   papaMel replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    I logged on your site . i will check it and respond as soon as possible

    Best Regards,


  • papaMel replied

    Thank you for trying to fix this issue. I see the ads are still not lined up.

    Also, I see that now there is a huge empty space between the top featured slider and rest of the content, as if there was supposed to be a huge banner ad there. 

    Please make sure that is fixed. I don't want any banner ads running in that spot at this time. 


  • papaMel replied

    Hey, nevermind, that issue with the huge empty space was because I had my screen zoom set to 110 percent. 

    I notice that at 100 percent and 125 percent, that problem did not occur, but at 110 percent it did. 

    I do still hope you can fix the ad boxes not lining up.



  •  501
    Penci replied


    I checked on your site.

    I edit raw html shortcode then  set margin left , margin right, padding left, pladding right is 0px  ( )

    Now, ads work fine as screenshot

    About huge empty space , please try refresh  the page after screen zoom .

    Please check it again

    Best Regards,


  • papaMel replied

    Thank you. I have never touched the padding anywhere on the site. Thank you for fixing it.


  • papaMel replied

    The problem has returned.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Sorry, please tell me about the issue and send me screenshot for the issue. I will check it help you.

    Best Regards,
