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  Public Ticket #2120712
Text in Header


  • Hofelich started the conversation


    I wanted to ask you, how I can change the text in my header?  (In my case I want to change 

    Online-Magazin für Philosophie, Glück und Motivation


    Online-Magazin für den Sinn des Lebens, Philosophie, Glück und Motivation

    Thank you very much in advance and best regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you've added that custom code via Editor.

    Please go to Appearance > Theme Editor > see on the right side and find "header.php" file > click on that file and press Ctrl + F and search the text & change it.

    Best Regards,


  • Hofelich replied

    Thank you very much! I have one more question: How can I change on the homepage and on ech category site "Older posts" to "Weitere Beiträge"?

    Best regards, Markus

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please open the documentation for the theme, we've write about how to do that there:

    • Download and install POEdit translation editor (
    • Go to the theme translation folder (/wp-content/themes/soledad/languages/)
    • Make a copy of the file “xx_XX.po” and rename the file to the locale of your language. For example, German would be de_DE.po. See language code list here.
    • Translate all the strings in the list and save changes. After you save, you will have two files. (i.e. de_DE.po and
    • Upload these files to /wp-content/themes/soledad/languages/
    • For WordPress 4.0 and above, go to Settings > General and select Site Language

    Best Regards,
