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  Public Ticket #2123946
Posts scrolling across top


  •  1
    Adrianne started the conversation

    Hello and thank-you for your time. 

    I am sure there is a way with Soledad food to get recipes to scroll across the top of the website, like in the image attached. 

    That is from another blog and I think it looks great, I would like to be able to achieve something similar with this theme if you can please advise on how to. 

    Cheers :) 


  •  1
    Adrianne replied

    Just a little bit further on this - it might be that because I have turned the feature images to 'hide' I am unable to see them in the topbar menu scrolling across like the picture I sent. 

    But I do want to hide them so I don't have them in the post. 

    Is it possible for the feature image to be hidden but enabled in the topbar menu, I think that will possibly work?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, currently this theme doesn't support for this feature.

    We will consider to add more this feature in the future updates.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Adrianne replied

    Ok, thank-you, that would be great. 
