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  Public Ticket #2126124
Fix unfolded menu on background and more...


  • martonia started the conversation

    I installed one of the demos, then as I saw it showed three errors, I changed to another demo, but there are the same three errors on it :

    - There are letters between the big and the small upper right pics of the slider (in the background)

    - When scrolling down it appears the unfolded menu of "Home" and mixes with the other page elements, as it sticks. 

    - On the home page there's the main demo photo missing and it appears "Hello World"

    How can I fix that?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1 & 3/ You just need go to Posts > All Posts > delete the demo post "Hello World". That's default posts from WordPress, you can remove it.

    2/ You need to create a menu for your site, please go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for your main navigation > add menu items as you want to display on main navigation > scroll down and check to "Primary Menu"

    Best Regards,
