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  Public Ticket #2127576
Instagram Slider not connecting


  • genevive42 started the conversation

    I've been using the IG slider in the footer but now it's not seeing my username.

    The social share link for IG still works, and I have Twitter Cards enabled on the site.

    I also checked app permissions in IG and it says Filestack, which I presume to be the proper one, is authorized.

    Not sure what's changed. It used to be fine.

    Please help.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Recently, Instagram just updated the API, so all websites has much request to Instagram in a fixed time will get blocked. 

    That makes Instagram images cant' load for your site. No problems, you can install this plugin: 

    After that, go to Dashboard > Instagram Feed > connect with your Instagram account and use shortcode from that plugin to display it.

    You can make shortcode display by drag & drop "Text" widget to the sidebar and paste the shortcode to that widget.

    Best Regards, 


  • travfi replied

    Thats a real shame of a solution. The plugin you mentioned only provides the square view, not the slider view as in your footer. For the slider view I have to pay....! One of the brackets of the soledad theme is the instagram feed, beautifully shown. Please fix that.

  • genevive42 replied

    Thanks for the fast response. I ended up switching to using the hashtag option so I don't have to install another plugin. But I agree with the other user, it sure would be nice to have full functionality of the IG slider back.

    Thanks for the help.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    @travifi: That's not the shame because that's temporary solution of us - we need a few time to fix it because Instagram doesn't let me know when they changed the Instagram API or limited the API, right? So, please calm down and wait for a new update from us to fix it.

    @genevive42: Thank you, the new update will come soon, we're working on that fix.

    Best Regards,
