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  Public Ticket #2131877
posts not showing


  • crownchronicles started the conversation

    just updated my site with soledad. Home page is fine, but when I click through to my posts it is showing this (screenshot) - 'technical difficulties' 

    I have tried all my plugins and can't find the issue. Any ideas?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, I didn't get any issue like that.

    Have you tried deactivate all plugins and check it again?

    If it work, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    If it doesn't work, please send me: 

    - Your admin url 

    - Your admin account ( username and password ) 

    - Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) - or your hosting account. 

    I will check it help you. 

    Best Regards,


  •   crownchronicles replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked your site. I found the issues caused by your hosting missing DOM extension.

    Check more about this issue here:

    This extension related with this feature:

    Now, I've removed the ads inside content on that option to make it work for you. If you want to use that feature, let's contact with your hosting provider and requirement them install help you DOM extensionsmile.png

    Hope this help,

    Best Regards,
