Hi, there is a widget where i can show specific categories (by id or name)? I need to use a widget with a list of specific 10 categories (not popular categories and not post, only category name that link to category archive page)?
Please go to Customize > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do that
.widget.widget_display_topics li a, .widget.widget_display_views li a, .widget.widget_display_forums li a, .widget.widget_layered_nav li a, .widget.widget_product_categories li a, .widget.widget_categories li a, .widget.widget_archive li a, .widget.widget_pages li a, .widget.widget_meta li a { text-align: right; } .widget.widget_display_topics li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_display_views li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_display_forums li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_layered_nav li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_product_categories li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_categories li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_archive li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_pages li .category-item-count, .widget.widget_meta li .category-item-count{ float: left; }
Please send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.
Hi, there is a widget where i can show specific categories (by id or name)? I need to use a widget with a list of specific 10 categories (not popular categories and not post, only category name that link to category archive page)?
Please create menu and add category you want to menu, http://prntscr.com/ozw0g7
then go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widget then use navigation menu and choose menu http://prntscr.com/ozw0jm
Best Regards,
Thank you so much! It works great.
The only problem is that i have an RTL version of theme and this widget not align the text in the right side, how i can fix it?
thank you in advance
Please go to Customize > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do that
Best Regards,
it seems is not working..
Sorry, is not fixed.
You can see in this screenshot, the widget with title in background red, title is aligned right but categories still are aligned on left
Please send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.
Best Regards,