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  Public Ticket #2134358
Instagram feed not displaying


  •  1
    1truth1 started the conversation

    the Instagram feed is no longer being displayed.  It was created by smash balloon. It says no images found. Try some other hashtag or username. I have tried deleting the account and reconnecting it. How can this be fixed? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've fixed that issue in the latest update of Soledad ( version 6.3.3 ) 

    Please update the theme to latest version and go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Soledad Instagram Feed" to your sidebar ( replace with widget "Instagram Slider" ) and config it. 

    Recently Instagram just updated the API - this caused the issue. 

    You can check this guide to know how to update this theme to latest version.

    Best Regards, 


  • pukalani replied

    Hello!  I have updated your theme and it was fine, butIt seems Instagram isn't showing again today (Sep2)....
    Would you check?

  • ollygaspar replied

    Hi, I'm also having issues with this new widget. I set the settings for 3 columns but they are arranged in 1 column on the sidebar and on the bottom "instagram footer". 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    @pukalani: Have you use the new widget as I said - use widget "Soledad Instagram Feed" ?

    @ollygaspar: Please create a new ticket and give us your admin url and admin account ( username and password ). I will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  • pukalani replied

    Oops, I didn't notice "Soledad Instagram Feed" was different from Slider!!!  Thank you. Now it works!!