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  Public Ticket #2139335
SocialMedia Icons on Phone Version + Zoom in


  • childintime23 started the conversation


    I have tried to remove social media icons on the sticky menu (phone version) without removing it from the PC version, but without any success.

    Basically, I want to remove this: 

     (I have attached the vid)

    Also, your support stated that you can remove the "auto zoom focus" for iOS devices.


    Link of the Video


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To remove the social media icon on mobile, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){
    .main-nav-social{ display: none; }

    2/ That's auto-zoom to input for all IOS devices. You can disable that feature by replace this code to this code:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0">

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Everything works just fine! Thank you very much!

    I have only 1 problem regarding the search button on iOS and that is the keyboard that sticks on the display (When I close search the keyboard wont drop down)

    I would like to know where to remove this since I am having trouble finding it: (Soledad hipster demo)


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's default of iOS devices for keyboard and you can't make it drop down when close the search button..

    No worries because your readers just click Done to make it drop down..

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Thank you for the reply!

    I want to ask one more thing:

    I have made a homepage layout "grid 2 column posts" but on the last row before "show more" there is only 1 post..

    Like on the photo attached:

    Homepage layout:

    I also want to ask how to line posts on homepage nicely? How to max post titles for only 2 rows to make it all lined nicely?


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change number posts display on the homepage via Customize > Homepage Options > Custom Amount of Posts Shown Per Page on Homepage

    We've said about this issue in the documentation for Soledad here:

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    It is bugged somehow. When I put the amount of posts shown per page on homepage 9 it shows 10. It always adds +1

    I have added a post that has a gallery as a thumbnail in the homepage and it somehow doesn't count it as a post, but when I delete that post everything works fine. 

    I've attached a screenshot of the post.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, seem you have one sticky posts - let's check and disable sticky for that post.

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Everything is working just fine now! Thank you!

    I want to ask you again since I am not 100% sure that we understood each other about the keyboard problem.

    How do you mean: "It's default of iOS devices for keyboard and you can't make it drop down when close the search button.."

    I am trying it out on other sites and the keyboard goes down by itself. I can provide you a video from other sites if you insist.


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, it can close when you click to outside the input - not close button.

    The search form from our theme created by use show/hide the input, so it can't be do thatsmile.png

    But, I think that's not needed feature because all readers can click on Close button on keyboard to close the iOS keyboard.

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Okay, it is an extra job or an extra click but it is what it is, I guess.

    Can you tell me where to translate this? It is a side bar widget on the home page "recent comments" and I want to change the word "on"  - Name "on"  "Name of the post". (It is not in the quick translate options)


    Predrag Jerinic

    @edit I had to attach the image in the new post since I can't do it while editing the post.

  • childintime23 replied


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    That words translated by WordPress itself. Have you change the language for your site to your language via Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language ?

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Thank you, I have managed to fix it! 


    Predrag Jerinic

  • childintime23 replied


    I want to use slider 20 or at least Penci slider version 1 on mobile version and Penci slider version 2 on desktop version. Is that possible to do? 

    I know that versions 1 and 2 of penci slider look identical but the version 2 seems buggy..


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you tell me what's buggy on Penci Slider style 2?

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied


    Animations are bugged on android phone or at least they were while I was testing it out few days ago. I'm using the second penci slider atm and everything works fine.

    Before buying the theme I asked your support on themeforest if you guys are going to input the smart list in the theme and he answered that you surely will.

    Is that happening anytime soon, any info? 

    Or can you tell me a css code for a smartlist if that is even possible if it is not coming soon?

    Sorry for the late reply.


    Predrag Jerinic

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    With smart list, we have plan with this. But our developers didn't do that now.

    We're working on new update come with Elementor firstsmile.pngThe smart list will come latersmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • childintime23 replied

    wrong topic sorry.