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  Public Ticket #2139904
Bugs in Theme


  • neudek started the conversation

    Hi! I just downloaded the soledad theme for my website and I'm having two problems

    1) While I disabled infinite scrolling, it seems to keep going on my website (I don't have that many posts up at the moment, but will when I re-launch in October). I really don't want infinite as I want a sign up footer to be at the bottom

    2) Speaking of the signup footer for MailChimp, I CANNOT get the text to show up on it. The box is white and so is the text (see attachment). How do I change the color of the text when people enter their emails in? 

    All the help is super appreciated, thank you!!


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Just checked your site and there is no any infinite scrolling on your site now. Seem that's your feelingsmile.pngLet's add more posts, so you can see it doesn't appears.

    2/ Seem you've figured out about this issue. I see it fine now.

    Best Regards,
