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  Public Ticket #2147524
Double post Slider/first article


  •  1
    Mannenmedia started the conversation

    Hi team Penci, 

    Love the cool slider-look, but it's a bit double to have the first slider to be the same as the first article right beneath it.

    My question is; Is it possible to exclude the first post because it is already showing in the slider?

    See screenshot to see what I mean.

    Would be great if the newest article is the first slide, and then when you scroll down, you see the second article instead of the newest one.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can't exclude one the first posts on slider - you just can exclude all the posts display on the slider from latest posts on homepage via Customize > Featured Slider Options > Exclude All Posts on the Featured Slider in Latest Posts on Homepage

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Mannenmedia replied

    Mmhhh, I want the new posts to be the first thing visitors see ofcourse... 

    Is there a way to get this done? To show the first post in the slider, and not directly as a first post below that. That's just double up and makes the slider look like it's a little unneccassary...

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We will consider to add more this feature in the future updatessmile.png

    Best Regards,
