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  Public Ticket #2153950
AMP Plugin is not working


  • TARGETCY started the conversation


    I have installed and enabled the Penci AMP plugin but I still see the desktop version in my mobile device! 

    Can you please help me out to make this work properly?

    Thanks in advance! 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    First, your AMP config is missing. Please check more on documentation here

    You need to go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for your AMP ( which don't use category mega menu ) > scroll down and check to "AMP Menu".

    When you done, you can validate the your AMP URL: on this page:

    Second, AMP is NOT mobile interface - It's different.

    Seem you didn't know how AMP work. Here is the way AMP work:

    When someone on mobile or tablet search a keywords on google => Google return search results  => If your site appears on the google search results page and your site supports for AMP => users click to your site and it will load your AMP version.

    Best Regards,


  • TARGETCY replied

    Hi again,

    Thanks for the fast answer! I assigned the menu and tested the site with the google link you have sent me and it seems that it's ok now, since it tells me that my link is valid. Thanks a lot for this! :)