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  Public Ticket #2159760
failed to reset doubled-demos


  • sofiahummingbird started the conversation


    Today I bought soledad, and imported first demo. Later I decided to change demo.

    I followed documentation instructions to reset with Customizer reset +Custemizer export/import.

    I followed Appearance - Customize - Reset

    Didn't work. Now it's all messed up.

    Please help!

    I'm a Newbie


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please do following steps below to fixed it:

    1/ Import demo data you want to change for your site by do following WAY 2 here

    2/ Go to Dashboard > Settings > General > and make sure your setting look like this image.

    3/ Go to Appearance > Menus > create or select a menu for your main navigation > scroll down and check to "Primary Menu" at the bottom.

    Best Regards,


  • sofiahummingbird replied

    Thank you for replying.

    I followed every step. 

    Now it looks different, but not okay---

    it's like there are 3 demo themes messed up together  (as I could tell from the widgets, three "about me"  on the sidebar and footer.)

     (3 demos are: Travel-->Simple-->Default) 

    (Default is the one that I want.) 

    On top of that, there are my original posts. 

    I actuallly don't want any of the old posts. They are just test posts I built earlier.

    What can I do to start fresh with "pure" Default demo only?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Seem you've imported full demo multiple times.

    Now, please:

    1/ Go to Appearance > Widgets > remove any widgets you don't want to display on "Main Sidebar", "Footer Column #1", "Footer Column #2", "Footer Column #3"

    2/ Go to Posts > All Posts > remove all posts you don't need.

    Best Regards,


  • sofiahummingbird replied

    Thanks a lot for trouble shooting.

    I started with the widgets. However, I just found that there are too many little things to delete-- sidebars, , 3 sets of demo posts, and then the top menus are different, so on and so forth. The list seems endless.

    It's getting more and more frustrating matching what it's supposed to look like. This is not working.

    I wold MUCH PREFER default the whole setting, rather then "trying to get back to default" by deleting.

    For a newbie I think it's just much much easier.

    Please Help! There must be ways around to start all over. (can I, say, deactivate and then delete soledad and start again?)


  • sofiahummingbird replied


    As I'm still working on it. 

    I couldn't find any "MENU options from default setting" to select from 

    I checked Apearance--> Menu.  I was expecting to see something like in the widget session, where at the "add menu items" at the left column I can "drag and drop" or "add":


    as in the soledad default demo.

    Please help...

    And depending on how far I figure things out, I might still prefer to default everything and start anew.... please inform.

    I'm beginning to be convinced that buying a theme to install is not as easy as I imagined. 

    Still painfully confusing and time consuming.

    Your help means a lot.

    Thank you.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to start again, you can install plugin WordPress Reset and reset everything to default - like when you just install WordPress.

    Best Regards,
