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  Public Ticket #2162704
Setting up the homepage


  • Adam started the conversation


    I can't control homepage. The theme is really nice and complex, but I'm  confused with the homepage.

    I've seen the movie on:

    and I like how the example looks like. But I can't replace what you have done. For now I have some posts in some categories.

    Do you have any other more detailed movie or description (I've red the documentation) how to set up homepage?

    As the website is in the maintenance mode, you will need the username and the pass. Is it safe to write it here?



  •   Adam replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This theme has 2 ways to config the homepage.

    If you want to config homepage by use Customize like on this video tutorial, you need go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > and make the config look like this image

    If you want to config homepage by use WPBakery Page Builder plugin - let's check this video tutorial

    Best Regards,


  •   Adam replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can change it via Customize > Options & Colors for Sidebar.

    If you're using that element from WPBakery, let's use element "Soledad Sidebar"

    2/ It's featured slider display at the top of the page, you can select to display it by edit your homepage > scroll down and you can see option for show featured slider.

    3/ You can change it via Customize > Single Post Options.

    Best Regards,


  • Adam replied


    there is an issue with custom fonts. 

    Attached ../wp-admin/admin.php?page=soledad_custom_fonts fonts appear on the front page only when I'm logged in. 

    On any other device the website shows only default fonts. It happened after the last update. I tried to re-attach the fonts again, but there are no changes.

    Could you help, please? 

    Kind regards,  Adam


    I couldn't open a new ticket, so I'm replying this one, sorry.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please make sure you're using latest version 7.7.1

    If not, let's update the theme to latest version 7.7.1

    Best Regards,


  • Adam replied


    I event didn't know there was an update available. It works perfectly after the update!

    Thank you guys!
