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  Public Ticket #2166035
PenNews: Vertical Adsense ad in header hides the site


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 started the conversation

    I've tried the default appearance and the "Game magazine" demo and I'm having the same problem in both: A long vertical ad appears on top of the logo, causing the header to be taller and hide the rest of the site.

    Is there a way to make it a horizontal ad at the top of the screen, ot move it to the empty column to the left?

  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    It still seems to happen after copying and pasting the "Home shortcodes" for the demo, although now the ad seems to be hidden, which is penalized by Google Adsense.


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    This also causes the "mega menu" to appear detached from its menu, down below.


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    It seems to be the only misplaced ad banner, by the way.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I checked on your site and i don't see your site ( ) like screenshot you send 

    Please check it again

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    I had reverted it to the previous theme to avoid visitors getting annoyed. It has PenNews active now.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please setup your site with PenNews theme, if have trouble issue when use theme, please send me screenshot , detail for the issue and please send me: 

    - Your admin url 

    - Your admin account ( username and password ) 

    - Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) - or your hosting account. 

    In a private reply.

    I will check it help you. 

    Best Regards,


  •   ICEknigh7 replied privately
  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    This is right now:

  •   ICEknigh7 replied privately
  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    I'm switching back to the old theme since I can't leave the site like that.

    Please reactivate it with the admin privileges once you're looking into it, or let me know when you will and I'll reactivate it for you.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I active pennew and import widget and customizer data on your site

    I ceate home page, but i not set static page on your site.

    Home page :

    I backup data widget and customize before active pennews theme

    Please check it again

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    I want to use the "latest entries" view while I work on the static page and this is what appears, which seems to be a bug.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please create new site test with PenNews theme , before update anything with currently site you work, then i will check it help you.

    You can try remove ads on header, i think the issue cause by ads on header.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    It's also happening in other templates (I'm attaching a picture of "Game News"), so it seems to be a global bug in PenNews.

    We need banner ads to be displayed in the header, please fix it.

  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    It not only happens with the default "latest posts" home page, but also when you apply the "home shortcodes" included with the theme, to the home page.

    Removing the ad banner from the header is not an option, it's a required element.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    It appears that you use auto place ads on your site. 

    Please check and change ads on your site ( disable auto place ads )

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    Then no ads will be shown where they are now, won't they?

  •  1
    ICEknigh7 replied

    I just found out that you added this to the CSS to hide the ad:

    .site-header .google-auto-placed { display: none !important; }

    Won't Adsense penalize my account for that?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    you  can remove the custom css,

    i recommend you don't you auto space ads on your site, auto place ads cause by error layout.

    Please contact with provide ads and ask theme disable auto place ads on your site.

    Best Regards,
