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  Public Ticket #2167890
View of Category when you click in the top menu


  • SogR started the conversation


    How can I change the look of the site, when I click of the category titel, (the one  my top menu bar is made of) 1. Right now it is shown in a wrong way like you see in the add attachment. I want the post to be shown like in my frontpage with two collums, and a sidebar, and right now it is shown with one big picture whiteout sidebar. 2. Also the text I want to change. Right now the header on the category is "Category(name of the category)" I don't want the "Category" to be named before the real name... 3. Also I can se some small text under the header og the category, there just repeat the name of the category again, I want that to be deleted. 

    Best regards Sofie :-)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can change layout for your category pages via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout.

    2/ You can check option for it via Customize > General Options > Remove "Category:" Words on Category Pages

    3/ Please go to Posts > Categories > edit that category > and remove that text from Category Description.

    Best Regards,


  • SogR replied

    Very nice! Thanks :-) The only thing I need now is to get the right sidebar I have on my frontpage to be shown on categories too - how to do that? 

    Best regards :-)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Customize > General Options > and check to "Enable Sidebar on Archive"

    Best Regards,
