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  Public Ticket #2178760
Soledad theme and PHP 7.3 Compatibility


  • christinahoyer started the conversation


    In WP I got the message that I should update my theme to PHP 7.3. I scanned my site using PHP compability checker plugin. The scan result marked Soledad with a ? (question mark) - so now I have come to doubt, whether Soledad is PHP 7.3 compatible ? Can you help me getting an answer to this ? Thank you in advance.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, Soledad works fine with PHP version 7.3 - you can go ahead and update your PHP version.

    Best Regards,


  • christinahoyer replied

    Thank you. I have now updated both the Soledad theme and the PHP. However now something strange happend on the frontpage on my homepage ( When I display "popular post" on my frontpage, it seems like the pictures merge with the head line "populære poster". Do you have any explanation for this ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try re-update the theme to solved this issue.

    To re-update the theme, please do following steps:

    a/ Edit the code like on this image.

    b/ Go to Appearance > Themes > click to "Update Now" button and wait until it done.

    Clear the cache and check it again - this issue will gone.

    Best Regards,


  • christinahoyer replied

    Hi again, thank you so much for you help. I am quite a "novice" in this area. Can you also help me on how to clear my cache ? I do not find anything under "settings" that refers to cache.

  • christinahoyer replied

    Hi again, I figured it out. Sorry for the inconvenience - and thank you for all your help