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  Public Ticket #2182442
Displaying more post types than "Latest Videos"


  • Streamliners started the conversation

    Hello Pencidesign Team,

    For the homepage I have the blog posts page set up and the Homepage Layout is set to Magazine Style 2. 

    In the main body of the page only the "Latest Videos" posts are shown. How can I get other post formats also shown? (e.g., standard Posts).

    How can I change the title from "Latest Videos" to something else?


  • Streamliners replied

    Actually, the question also relates to the following:

    1) How can I show more Categories in the main body of the homepage

    2) How can I control the number of Post for each Category shown in the main body of the homepage

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please check this video tutorial to know how to do that.

    2/ If you're using Customize to config the homepage, you can control it via Customize > Homepage Options > scroll down and you can see options to do that,.

    Best Regards,


  • Streamliners replied


    Yes, I looked at it and configured a new homepage according to the tutorial. Thank you for your support - the only question I have still open how I can (if at all) configure the "Your latests posts" blog posts page layout. It is relevant only in case in Wordpress the Reading settings are set to "Your latest posts" and not to a static page.

    Just out of curiosity.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to use Static page for your homepage - you can use Elementor to build your homepage.

    Please update the theme to latest version ( 7.0.2 ) and check this video tutorial to know how to config homepage by use Elementor.

    Best Regards,
