Hi there! I just tried to subscribe to my newsletter from another computer for the first time and suddenly see that it says “please select at least one list”. And I cannot subscribe! How can I fix this. I have mailchimp installed but I would prefer feedburner if that’s possible. Also, on the side of my blog I have to give my name and email adres to subscribe, but on the bottom, just my emailadres...
hi! Thank you? Also, with the mailchimp, when I subscribe and then confirm, I then choose go to website, it has a problem and it cannot redirect. Also, on my website, I have one mailchimp sign up form on my main sidebar and the other one on my footer. The one on the sidebar asks for name and email adres, but the one on the footer just email..
2/ Yeah, on the footer we don't support for display email, if you want to display email for all places, please try change the HTML markup for the form like we said here to:
<p class="mdes">Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's stay updated!</p>
<p class=""><input type="text" name="NAME" placeholder="Name..."></p>
<p class=""><input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email..." required=""></p>
<p class=""><input type="submit" value="Subscribe"></p>
Hi there! I just tried to subscribe to my newsletter from another computer for the first time and suddenly see that it says “please select at least one list”. And I cannot subscribe! How can I fix this. I have mailchimp installed but I would prefer feedburner if that’s possible. Also, on the side of my blog I have to give my name and email adres to subscribe, but on the bottom, just my emailadres...
That based on your config
It doesn't related with the theme itself.
Check more here:
Best Regards,
hi! Thank you? Also, with the mailchimp, when I subscribe and then confirm, I then choose go to website, it has a problem and it cannot redirect. Also, on my website, I have one mailchimp sign up form on my main sidebar and the other one on my footer. The one on the sidebar asks for name and email adres, but the one on the footer just email..
1/ Maybe you need to setup a thank you page for that
2/ Yeah, on the footer we don't support for display email, if you want to display email for all places, please try change the HTML markup for the form like we said here to:
Best Regards,