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  Public Ticket #2189695
Infinite Scroll


  • Hanna Vandenbulcke started the conversation


    I tried to find my answer in the Documentation section and searched to find a public ticket on this topic but couldn't find it.  I'm using the Soledad Default template.

    Is the new feature "Infinite Scroll Load More" in the most recent download similar to a Vertical Scroll template?  I'd love to have that on the Home page while still have the option to connect 'normal' webpages (not looking to create a single page website).  If yes, how do I activate that feature in the Soledad template.  Couldn't find an update in the Documentation.  I'm not looking for an infinite scroll of posts, just of information on the Home page (for example, like this website:

    Thank you in advance for your time,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can enable it via Customize > General Options > Enable Infinite Scroll on Homepage.

    Best Regards,


  • Hanna Vandenbulcke replied

    Hi PenciDesign,

    Found it, thank you!  Is there documentation on this somewhere on how to build the Homepage/make this work?  Or will it automatically start showing page after page? (I enabled the option already but nothing is happening).

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see the infinite scroll load more already appears on your site:

    You can check documentation for build the homepage here - now you're using WAY 2.

    Best Regards,
