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  Public Ticket #2192787
Homepage Slider Control


  • nutronx started the conversation


    Is there a way to lock some posts or in my case, recipes to the two slider boxes on the homepage of my site? for instance. I would like to keep the new spaghetti recipe and the cast iron ribeye steak in the top two boxes and as I add content. I would want to be able to update those locked recipes from time to time.

    Thank you. and awesome theme so far

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I think you can set that posts is private postssmile.png

    Check more on this guide:

    Best Regards,


  • nutronx replied

    No im sorry I meant I would like to use the two largest post spots at the top of my home page as like a featured image. so the smaller boxes below the two main boxes would stay on whatever recipe I want to put there and the smaller boxed simply show latest posts. That way I can feature some of my better images. Some recipes look better then other so I just want to be able to use those two post spots at the top of my homepage as featured and it does not change until i change it.

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ahh, I understand it now.

    If so, let's try use Sticky Post:

    Best Regards,


  • nutronx replied

    Thank you that should work. I appreciate your help