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  Public Ticket #2199983
Categories Mega Menu


  • almediavilla started the conversation

    I had a Categories Mega Menu with four items that was working just fine.

    However, when I've tried to add a new category (CIENCIAS), it is correctly displayed, but its child categories are not showing.

    I can't see any difference between this new categories and the ones I had before.

    I tried to remove one of the old categories (INTERMEDIO) from the menu and add it back and now it isn't showing the child categories either.

    Any ideas why some categories are working and others are not? I don't think there's any difference among them.

  • almediavilla replied

    I'm attaching a picture in case my problem was not very clear: you'll see the circled categories of the menu don't expand to show the categories and posts they contain as do the others, and all of them have the same kind of content.

    In fact, one of them (Intermedio) was working fine before I removed it and added it again.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you didn't selected the category mega menu for that menu items.

    Please go to Appearance > Menus > edit menu items "INTERMEDIO" and "CIENCIAS" > and select category mega menu to display.

    If you don't see option for select category mega menu - let's deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come with the theme ) and try it again.

    After it work, you can enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Best Regards,


  • almediavilla replied

    Thank you so much, it was indeed a plugin problem. It worked when I deactivated the Users Menu plugin