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  Public Ticket #2201176
Problem with left menu (vertical nav)


  • AUED started the conversation

    I'm constructing a site with a left menu (vertical nav).

    With the cookie banner, there is a problem : when it appears, the left part of the text is hidden by the left menu.

    The same occurs with the PDF Embedder premium plugin when I want to see the PDF in full screen : the left part of the PDF is hidden by the left menu.

    Any solution for that ?


    PS: On the attachment, you can see the banner and a PDF in full screen

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fixed that issue:

    .penci-menu-hbg.penci-vernav-show{ z-index: 1; }

    Best Regards,


  • AUED replied

    Thanks for the code, it works fine, thank you!