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  Public Ticket #2206603
Woocommerce shop page sidebar


  • AppelenEelman started the conversation

    Hi Support, we're building a webshop and I've been trying to get another sidebar into the shop page but have been unable to.

    In Soledad's theme option, i've found Woocommerce > Global Settings > which allowes me to activate the main sidebar. On the shopping page's page options, I have the option to select a custom sidebar but this doesn't seem to affect which sidebar is shown on the woocommerce shop page. On other pages, it does work.

    All I want is 2 sidebars, one on the single blog pages (that's already set up) and another one on the Woocommerce shop page and the archive pages. This should be possible, right?

    Thanks in advance.

    (The website isn't live yet, i'm building it local)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can see the sidebar for shop page via Appearance > Widgets > Sidebar for Shop Page.

    Also, make sure you've enabled sidebar for Shop page via Customize > Woocommerce

    Best Regards,


  • AppelenEelman replied

    Hi again, 

    Thank you for the quick reply.

    That would have been easy to spot! I was thinking that I would be able to select which widget was used for the sidebar, but this works perfect too :)

    Have a great evening, consider this ticket closed!