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  Public Ticket #2210327
Youtube Video in Blogpost and missing pictures


  • Ascher89 started the conversation


    I recently bought your template Soledad but I am facing some problems.

    At first I want to include youtube videoes in a blogpost but the video is not only limited on the regular width of the blogpost but it is also in the sidebar and that should not be (see attachment).

    Moreover on my main page all thumbnails aren't available. I only see grey boxes.

    How to solve these problems? Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ About youtube issues, this issue caused by a plugin from you. Let's deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again.

    After it work, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    2/ For thumbnails issue, this issue caused by you've enabled lazyload images from Jetpack plugin or use lazyload images from a plugin. Let's check and disable it. This theme already supports for lazyload images, so you don't need to use any plugin for create lazyload images.

    Best Regards,


  • Ascher89 replied

    Thanks for you help.

    It was caused due to the "Borlabs Cookie" Plugin. The option" video wrapper" was deactivated. Now it is activated and the video is displayed correct.

    Best regards!

  • Joel replied

    If you are using the SG Optimizer plugin, do NOT enable "Lazy Load Iframes" in the Media Optimization section or you may get this problem.