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  Public Ticket #2214264
menu and search not working (contact page only) on mobile


  • KerriDPraiano started the conversation

    Contact page - When on mobile....primary menu button is not working. Neither is the search button. It seems to be ok on all other pages.

    Your help would be appreciated

    Many Thanks


  • KerriDPraiano replied

    Can I please add a couple of other issues to my ticket?

    The "leave a Comment" box is missing from most of my posts. It is on "Il Sentiero dei Limoni' one and none of the others. 

    Also the text for you "you may also like" is not showing correctly on mobile.

    Thank you again


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ I can see your search button working fine on mobile:

    2/ Please go to Customize > Single Post Options > and make sure you don't check to "Hide Comments"

    Best Regards,


  • KerriDPraiano replied

    Hi...thanks for your quick response.

    1: it must be my phone then because I cant get it to work

    2: i haven't checked the 'hide comments' box.(see attachment). It is still missing from my posts and the "you may like this' font is still wrong. 

    Any clues?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please check on anonymous browser to get correct results. I see you're using a sticky ads, so it override to the main navigation - you need to click to slide up the sticky ads and you can see the navigation.

    2/ If so, please check your settings for discussion via Dashboard > Settings > Discussion. Maybe you need to check for close the comment after XX days.

    Also, make sure you've allow for comment on posts:

    For font on "you may like this" - please fill the custom css code:

    #respond h3.comment-reply-title span, .post-box-title {
        font-family: "pretty peachy solid regular",Sans-serif;

    And remove it. This custom css code makes the font broken.

    Best Regards,
