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  Public Ticket #2220686
style.css code error


  • anujeetshivam started the conversation


    I installed SoleDad theme on my website "". Recently, I found that the style.css file of the theme is having some errors in its code. (Screenshot Attached). 

    I've tried re-installing the theme and even tried to install it on a. different site ( But, still it has some issues with it in it's CSS file. 

    Also, may be because of CSS error, some images aren't loading on Safari Browser. 

    Kindly help me for the same...

    Thank You

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's not errorsmile.pngOur style.css file has some CSS to help support for old versions of some browsers. And WordPress can't validate it and WordPress understand wrong it's error. You can ignore it.

    Best Regards,
