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  Public Ticket #2225564
Issues with SEO on my site


  • tomfriz started the conversation


    I launched my site about four weeks ago and have been using your Soledad template as my theme. I really like the styling and how my site is looking.

    However, I have a couple of issues I wondered whether you might be able to help me with?

    I'm trying to optimise the site for SEO but am coming up a few issues:

    1. I've had some feedback from an SEO agency who say that the site is running some "render-blocking resources and unused stylesheets". How can I go about stopping these to speed up the site?
    2. How do I add keywords to the meta-description tag for the homepage? Excuse me if this is something obvious I am missing but since the homepage aggregates content from across the site, I can't see how I do this?
    3. Re navigation - in my menu bar, I would like to help people search recipes and/or navigate through them. I can see in the menu options that I can add individual post categories, but I am struggling to see how I can add overall search and blog functions.

    I hope all this makes sense. Apologies if I am asking obvious questions but I seem to have got stuck trying to work this out myself.



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    1/ For this issue, you can try install plugin Autoptimize to fix it - check more on this guide:

    Also, as I can see you're using too much caching plugins:  LiteSpeed Cache & W3 Total Cache.

    You should use W3 Total Cache only - no need use more LiteSpeed Cache

    2/ You can use plugin Yoast SEO to do that.

    After installed this plugin, go to Dashboard > SEO > Search Appearance > tab "General" > Homepage - and you can see option to do that.

    3/ We inherit the search function from WordPress itself. And by default WordPress doesn't support a feature like that. I think you can put recipe & recipe categories as a drop-down menu to navigation your readers to your recipes.

    Best Regards,
