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  Public Ticket #2227483
Link color in headlines


  • m28006 started the conversation

    Hi, in regards to headlines formatted as hyperlinks: Instead of the default link color, I would like to apply the default color for non-linked headlines. Underline on mouseover should remain unchanged.  Is this possible?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .post-entry h1, 
    .post-entry h2, 
    .post-entry h3, 
    .post-entry h4, 
    .post-entry h5, 
    .post-entry h6, 
    .wpb_text_column h1, 
    .wpb_text_column h2, 
    .wpb_text_column h3, 
    .wpb_text_column h4, 
    .wpb_text_column h5, 
    .wpb_text_column h6{
        color: #3e4cb5;

    Change color code #3e4cb5 on the above code to color code as you want.

    Best Regards,


  • m28006 replied

    Thanks, but that only changed the font for the headlines that don't contain hyperlinks.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to change the color for the heading contain hyperlinks, please use this custom css:

    .post-entry h1 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h1 a,
    .post-entry h2 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h2 a,
    .post-entry h3 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h3 a,
    .post-entry h4 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h4 a,
    .post-entry h5 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h5 a,
    .post-entry h6 a, 
    .container-single .post-entry h6 a{
        color: #3e4cb5;

    Best Regards,
