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  Public Ticket #2231310
Blog title


  • disk0315 started the conversation

    I want to change blog title from Soledad into Japanese title. I tried to change blog title by customizing settings, but it doesn’t work. Please help me...

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The "Soledad" is a logo and it's an image. You need to replace it to your logo image via Customize > Logo and Header Options > "Upload Logo" and "Logo for Vertical Mobile Nav"

    There is many ways to help you create a logo, you can search google for keywords: "create logo online free"

    Best Regards,


  • disk0315 replied

    Dear Mr. / Ms.

    Thank you for your kind reply. I couldn't resolve it without your help. Thank you.

  • disk0315 replied


    I wanted to change the design of headline, so I installed plugin “AddQuickTag” and "custom CSS" but it doesn't work well:(

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please show me your site URL and tell me where you want to change the blog title? And what's the text you want to change for in Japanese ?

    Best Regards,
