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  Public Ticket #2232314
Setting up a new blog using Soledad Theme


  • DominikaSB started the conversation


    I am in the processing of creating a blog with the soledad theme and the fashion stylist magazine. 

    Although I have defined a new logo for my header, each time I want to preview my post and/or publish it, the default logo of the "fashion stylist" magazine appears instead of the custom logo I have defined and appears on the "customize" screen ... I can't see what I've missed.

    I would like to point also the fact that this situation appears not only on posts but also on the various pages I wish to create and publish..

    Can you help me ? 

    Looking forward to reading your replies


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, it's impossible to appear issue like that.

    Please make sure you've select logo for your site via Customize > Logo and Header Options > "Upload Logo" and "Logo for Vertical Mobile Nav"

    After that, try to clear all the cache to make sure there is no caching issue.

    If it still doesn't work, let's show me your site URL to I can take it a look.

    Best Regards,


  • DominikaSB replied


    what cache do you want me to clear ? That of the computer ? 

    Regards ? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Maybe you're using a or some plugin for caching. Let's check and remove the caching from that plugin.

    Also, open your site and press Ctrl + F5 to clear the browser caching.

    Best Regards,
