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  Public Ticket #2239441
Homppage Slider


  • c00lstylo started the conversation

    two questions :

    1.For the home page slider, the image size is currently blown out, what should be the size for that image ? (see link : )

    2. The home page slider image is now playing the top post, the featured image. however i would to either have a video showing there, if not a different image showing here . (

    i think what i want to achieve is close to the video blog demo here :

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ As you can see you're using a slider full screen - so, please try use images with at least 1900px width to get best results on the slider.

    2/ Currently, this theme doesn't support to display video from posts there. But, I think you can use featured video background option from the theme to display a featured video there.

    You can check option for video background via Customize > Featured Video Background Options.

    Best Regards,


  • c00lstylo replied

    As for 1 ) fixing the image size worked, but now i want to change the layout to another to this :

    As for 2 ) okay ive tried using the feature video background option, but that makes the the feature background static on mobile and tablet so thats not what i want.

    I wanted to make the post :

    have an play head overlay when i have a post that has a video in it :

    and new question 3) I would like to also know what is the best way to embed a vimeo or youtube in the post

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ It's Slider Style 24.

    2/ If so, let's use a featured posts slider ( not Penci Slider ) and make sure you don't check to Customize > Featured Slider Options > "Hide Post Format Icons"

    After that, let's create a video post format and the play icon will be displayed - check this image:

    3/ You can use embed element to do that:

    Best Regards,


  • c00lstylo replied

    hey thanks ! the video post format worked. Thanks so much.

    As i was attaching media , i was wondering how this person with the theme has this option for his photos :



    2. And when using block quote how can i achieve the layout like your demos ?

    ( in this demo site (

    my current looks like this : in this page :

    3. Im currently trying out slider style 25 :

    howevery I  have a question on how to showcase by manually select certain post i want, or manually select a slide or image from media library ( because I have an online shop , i want to market the products along with blog content on the slider)

    4. Is it possible to have the featured image different from what the featured video post is automatically showing ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ It's image caption - when you insert an image from media library to editor - you can see option to add caption for image. Check this 3  images:

    2/ Please go to Customize > Single Post Options > on "Blockquote Style" > select "Style 2"

    3/ The featured posts slider will based on posts - so you can't be select a custom image from Media if you use featured posts slider. If you're looking for a custom slider doesn't based on posts, you can use Penci Slider.

    For filter the posts on the slider, you can use featured tag to do that. Please do following steps:

    a) Create a new tag ( Posts > Tags ) - example:  featured

    b) Add this tag for all posts you want to display on the slider.

    c) Go to Customize > Featured Slider Options > on "Filter Featured Slider By" > select "Featured Tags" and fill the tag slug ( It's "featured" in my example ) to "Fill List Featured Tags for Featured Slider"

    4/ The images display on the featured posts slider will auto get from your featured image here. So if you want to change the image display on the slider/layouts - you need to change the featured image on edit posts.

    Best Regards,


  • c00lstylo replied

    okay got it.

    right now on mobile version , the feature post slider blocks the aide bar menu , how can i avoid that :

  • c00lstylo replied

    Also i have a question on making my site multilingual site soledad theme

    , which plugin would it be easiest for translating all the pages / headings ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .penci-menu-hbg.penci-vernav-show {
        z-index: 10;

    2/ You can use WPML plugin.

    Best Regards,


  • c00lstylo replied

    hey for 1/ which sheet do i put it in ? ?

    i tried put in in style but it didn't work.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I said in my previous comment, please put it to Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS box.

    Best Regards,


  • c00lstylo replied

    Thanks, That worked perfectly !.

    I would like to adjust the logo width wider so towards the redbox size . how would i do so ?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I see you've set a max width for your logo on vertical navigation - please remove or change it to bigger value via Customize > Vertical Nav & Hamburger Menu Options

    Best Regards,
