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  Public Ticket #2242205
penci custom slider link


  • m28006 started the conversation


    I have inserted the link in the settings, see screenshot. But the link is not live on the website when clicking on the "read more" button. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please make sure you're using latest version of the theme ( version 7.2.0 )

    If you're using this version and still get the issue, please re-update the theme.

    To re-update the theme, please do following steps:

    a/ Edit the code like on this image.

    b/ Go to Appearance > Themes > click to "Update Now" button and wait until it done.

    Clear the cache and check it again - this issue will gone.

    Best Regards,


  • m28006 replied

    Thanks that worked.

    I would like to position the "Read more" box in the middle under the text. This does not seem to be possible, unless both the box and the text are centered in the middle of the slider, is this correct? 

    Changing the "Horizontal Position" option does not seem to make any change.  

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You're selected to align right - it will align the text & button also.

    It can't be align like the way you said..

    Best Regards,
