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  Public Ticket #2243695
Sucuri, W3 Total and Autoptimize


  • thefoghorn started the conversation

    I was planning to buy Sucuri to make my site more secure. I see their package also provides caching and compressing (disabled by default) as well as CDN, would you recommend I still use W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize plugins (both are working very well for my site right now) if I had Sucuri? 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I didn't testing the theme with Sucuri plugin. So I don't know. But, I think you don't need to use Sucuri  plugin.

    You just need use this plugin is ok:

    Best Regards,


  • thefoghorn replied

    I checked with a few big websites and they run both W3 Total Cache and Sucuri so it seems okay to use both.

    I tried Wordfence but Wordfence takes up a lot of server resources (during multiple attacks sometimes I don’t even receive alerts) and they ask to manually configure their firewall settings for Siteground customers like me which is long and very technical. Sucuri firewall is cloud-based and no tech maintenance needed from my side. Their monitoring is also better. That’s why I want to use Sucuri.

    1. W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize both have Minify Enabled for JS and CSS. Can I remove Autoptimize? Using two plugins for the same functions seems like an overkill. I’m happy to have both but once I have Sucuri activated, I’m worried too many caching function from three plugins might cause a conflict.
    2. My theme support is about to expire. I think around end of this month. Do I have to renew it soon as it expires, or I can renew anytime I wish to contact you like maybe after a few months.

    I appreciate your thoughts.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Autoptimize helps you can minify the js & css better.

    W3 Total Cache helps you create the caching better.

    So, don't need to deactivate any plugin. Let's use more if you want.

    2/ Yeah, you should renew it after expired to keep support from ussmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • thefoghorn replied

    1. I'm keeping both plugins since installing them has improved my site speed, but I'm curious to know since W3 Total Cache also has Minify options (currently not enabled on my dashboard) , are we using Autoptimize instead because their minification function performs better than W3 Total? 

    2. Do I have to renew it immediately after it expires, or can I renew whenever I need to come back here for support.

    Thanks for your help

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ The minify from W3 Total Cache is not good. It can caused some bugs for the site. For minify, the Autoptimize is better.

    2/ Yeah, you should renew after it expires.

    Best Regards,


  • thefoghorn replied

    Good to know. Thank you.

