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  Public Ticket #2249657
Assigning blog pages


  • juliamarkstx started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I need help with assigning different recipe categories to different pages. Right now, I only have one recipes page and an about me. I understand how to edit the about me page, but nothing is coming up on the recipes page. Essentially, I need to understand how to create a post (recipe) and assign it to a specific page like breakfast or dinner, for example. Currently, nothing is even shown on my recipes page.

    Also, the homepage seems nonexistent. When you go on, the home page comes up and I would like this to remain the general home page with all recipes. But, when I leave the page to about me or recipes, I can't navigate the initial page as if it doesn't exist. I need some help with this also please.

    Thank you in advance,


  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    For create recipes & recipe index, you can check on this video tutorial.

    Note: To get the dropdown shortcode like on the video ( when create a recipe index ) , you can use element Classic like here to get it.

    For categories, you can create your categories via Posts > Categories.

    And after written a new posts, you can assign it for a  category  or some categories as you want.

    For menu issues, you can add any page/ any category to your menu via Appearance > Menus.

    You can check more guide about menu here

    Best Regards,


  • juliamarkstx replied

    Thanks, but I was already aware of these resources, and they still do not answer my question of why my home page (that you land on upon entering the website) is mixing from my main menu and pages.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    I don't clearly your question about this mixing issue, can you tell me more detail about this?

    Best Regards,


  • juliamarkstx replied

    Ive already explained to the best of my ability. Could you please reassign someone else to this post?

    I go on my website.

    I see the home page that appears at that moment.

    I leave to click another tab like recipes or about me.

    I am unable to go back to my home page.

    I hope that helps.

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    You can go to Appearance > Menus > and add new menu item "Home" to your menu by use "Custom Links" and fill URL is  and the text is "Home" - check this image:

    Best Regards,


  • juliamarkstx replied

    Thank you so much!

  • juliamarkstx replied

    I ran into some trouble when trying to add the recipe index to my "home" page.

    My home page is now a custom link for

    But it isn't located in my pages section, so I can't add the recipe index to the home page as it is shown in the video.

    How do I do this?

  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Recipe Index is a page. You can add this page to the menu - don't need to listed recipe index on the homepagesmile.png

    Best Regards,
