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  Public Ticket #2251554


  • Netroy started the conversation

    Could you help me to decrease page load speed?

    I use my own Server and Nginx(ngx_pagespeed module) + PHP 7.3 FPM

    but Mobile socre is too low

    can you help some settings or tips?

    I can handle image issue, but i don't know what should i do about [ html/wp-contents/theme/soledad/style.css ] file size or other warnings

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    You can check this guide to know how to improve your site speed:  

    Also, recently the google speed insight just updated the rules for mobile and it will calculator the real speed of your site on mobile when load with 3G from a server located at US.

    So, most of the site on the internet has low speed  insight score at this moment. If you want to get more score on google speed  insight, you need to use more an CDN like CDNSun or MaxCDN This is issues from the hostings/servers and we can't affect much to the score because the server decide up to 80% the speed for mobile on google speed insight.

    But, really as I saw, Google speed doesn't affect anything to your SEO or other things. You just need to feel your site is not slow for you is oksmile.png

    Best Regards,
