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  Public Ticket #2252103
demo unistall


  • fabaff started the conversation


    wth Wp 5.3.2 and Soledad vers. 7.2.0 I have installed "Beauty" demo. Now following your istructions, if I wnat to install another demo withot to lose my contents I have to de-install the previuos one, but as you can see the "unistall" option is no there. How can I do this?

    Please note that the site in still under production and is not live!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you've imported the demo before version 7 of Soledad.

    Now, if you want to import another demo style, please do following steps:

    1/ Install & activate plugin Customizer Reset

    2/ Go to Customize > click to "Reset" button at the top to reset all customize data to default.

    3/ Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data > Import demo style you want - Note: Don't check to Import Demo Content - Just check to Import Demo Style.

    Best Regards,
