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  Public Ticket #2252901
Image quality on homepage


  • dyasu started the conversation

    It appears that the theme is somehow lowering the quality of featured images on my site, especially on the featured story section on the home page. Even in posts where the featured image is used again later in the post, you can tell there is a display quality difference. 

    Please help me fix this.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Do you use any plugin to optimize your images?

    Best Regards,


  • dyasu replied

    I do not. I have that function disabled in Jetpack

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked your site and I see the images quality quite fine on your homepage. Of course we need to crop the images to display it fit for all your layouts, but we're using a fine size for display images on your site.

    We can't display the thumbnails on the homepage with origin size, because it will make your site very slower to load..

    Best Regards,
