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  Public Ticket #2253685
remove envato token


  • isao11 started the conversation

    How do I remove my envato token from one site to add to a different site?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    With one regular license and Envato Token also, you just can use for one end-website only. That's the license policy for all themes on

    If you use the theme on testing site and now you want to move to the main site, let's do the move first, after done, let remove the theme on the testing site before activate the theme on the main site with same Envato Token.

    Best Regards,


  • Tilbo02 replied

    Hi, just purchased Pennews. One short question, we want to do our testing and develloping on our staging area. When this done moving the theme to the main site. But all future updates we apply first on our staging. Will this be possible?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Tilbo02,

    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    You can use the theme normal on staging site, the theme will allow for you 30 days before the alert popup appears at the center of screen. All the features is allowed in this 30 dayssmile.png

    In the next time, if you have questions, please create a new ticket - don't put reply to ticket of another people because they will get notice about your reply.

    Best Regards,
