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  Public Ticket #2269929
Customization errors and lots of redirect


  • Dsenapati started the conversation

    hi there 

    Before last update my website had good score with very minimal redirects but after updates lots of Js and css redirects are there . Also after inserting demo I can’t remove the rotor copyright and add email etc also can’t change icons for social. In customization I didn’t found social icons setting 

    Help me 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ I see your site load very fast. Can you tell me what's js & css redirects on your site?

    2/ You can change footer copyright text via Customize > Footer Options > Footer Copyright Text

    And change/remove social media you don't want to use via Customize > Social Media Options > Let blank any social media you want to hide.

    Also, if you want to hide the social media display on the main navigation, please go to Customize > Logo and Header Options > and un-check on "Enable Social Media on Main Navigation"

    Best Regards,


  • Dsenapati replied

    have a look . I have self hosted gfonts yet they are redirecting. Rather then ads there are more is which is slowing 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ As I checked - your google fonts still load via google. If you want to hosted google fonts - please disable it via Customize > General Options > Remove all default google fonts - load default fonts from located hosting ( for GDPR policy )

    2/ For js issues - If you feeling ads slower, let's ask your ads provider because in the latest update we don't do anything affect to the ads.

    3/ For CSS, you can use plugin Autoptimize to minify all your CSS: 

    And I can confirm - everything from latest update doesn't affect anything to your site speedsmile.png

    Best Regards,
