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  Public Ticket #2271120
Screen scalability issues in different screen sizest


  • denizmavisi started the conversation

    Hi thanks for the great theme,

    I have a minor issue about the scalability of the theme with respect to different screen sizes on blog posts.

    1. Blog posts on desktop 1080p with 23" monitor:  everything is ok. But the spaces on right and left border seems to be extensive.
    2. Blog posts on 15.6" 1080p laptop:  it is ideal. The white spaces left and right side of the blog is ideal.
    3. Blog posts on 13.3" 1080p laptop: Almost no white space left. The share link buttons might get into the body text if we display in a smaller screen.

    My setup on single post is as follows:

    How can I make the theme adjust itself on differentv screen sizes so that the format of the blog posts do not change.

    Best Regards

    Burak Köylüoğlu


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I see your posts is fine for all devices. It should be keep display 900px for all desktop screen.

    And I measured the distance white space on both sides - It's the same.

    Best Regards,
