First of all, I'm really satisfied with purchasing the Soledad Theme!
Is it possible in Soledad Theme customisation menu to:
1. Adjust the font size of the post category and metadata, like post date, views count? 2. Disable Uppercase in vertical menu on small devices, which appears after clicking on hamburger? Checking 'Turn Off Uppercase Widget Heading' and 'Disable Uppercase on Primary Menu Items' in Vertical Nav & Hamburger Menu Options does not work.
Thanks for your response. Unfortunetely, at this moment my site is not online, I'm working on it on my local machine. However, you can see, which elements I mean in the attachments - they are marked with red color.
First of all, I'm really satisfied with purchasing the Soledad Theme!
Is it possible in Soledad Theme customisation menu to:
1. Adjust the font size of the post category and metadata, like post date, views count?
2. Disable Uppercase in vertical menu on small devices, which appears after clicking on hamburger? Checking 'Turn Off Uppercase Widget Heading' and 'Disable Uppercase on Primary Menu Items' in Vertical Nav & Hamburger Menu Options does not work.
Kind regards,
Thank you for purchased and loving our theme.
Can you please show me your site URL to I can take it a look?
Best Regards,
Thanks for your response. Unfortunetely, at this moment my site is not online, I'm working on it on my local machine. However, you can see, which elements I mean in the attachments - they are marked with red color.
Kind regards,
1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:
.container-single .cat>a.penci-cat-name{ font-size: 16px; } .post-box-meta-single{ font-size: 17px; }
Change values 16 & 17 on the above code to values as you want.
2/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:
#sidebar-nav .menu li a{ text-transform: none; font-size: 14px; }
Best Regards,
Ok, so it is not possible from the Soledad Theme customization menu, however still possible via css :)
Thanks for your help!
Ticket can be closed.