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  Public Ticket #2281537
Homepage Modification


  • SGBrewing started the conversation

    Hi I have a few questions about modifying the homepage layout.

    I really like the 'grid posts' home page layout but I would like it on 1 column instead of more. is there some CSS or code i can add to change this? And how do I change the character count of the post preview? I would like this to be more.

    Also do you have some code to add to adjust the width of the right sidebar on all pages and increase the padding between the sidebar and the main body?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To do that, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .container.penci_sidebar .penci-grid > li{ width: 100% !important; margin-right: 0 !important; }

    2/ To increase the excerpt length, please check option for it via Customize > Other Layouts Options > Custom Excerpt Length.

    3/ To do that, please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1170px){
    .penci-single-style-10 .penci-single-s10-content, .container.penci_sidebar #main{ width: 65%; padding-right: 100px; }
    .penci-sidebar-content{ width: 35%; }


    - Change values 65 and 35 on the above code to values you want to change the width of sidebar & main content. Make sure total of this 2 values is 100. Example:   68 and 32.

    - Change value 100 to value you want to set for padding between the sidebar and the main body

    Best Regards,
