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  Public Ticket #2287985
Space between Gutenberg-Blocks?


  • christinavennegerts started the conversation

    Hi =)

    I'm using Soledad as the basis for my blog, while using the Gutenberg Editor to write. This works rather well.

    But sadly, I can't seem to figure out how to have more space between a normal paragraph block and the following headline(s). This leads to a rather cramped design. Is there a styling option I missed, or do I need custom CSS to give my headlines more room to breathe?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    If you want to increase the space between paragraphs blocks & headlines, please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .post-entry .has-drop-cap:not(:focus):after{ padding-top: 0; }
    .post-entry p, .wpb_text_column p, .post-entry h1, .post-entry h2, .post-entry h3, .post-entry h4, .post-entry h5, .post-entry h6, .post-entry hr, .wpb_text_column h1, .wpb_text_column h2, .wpb_text_column h3, .wpb_text_column h4, .wpb_text_column h5, .wpb_text_column h6, .wpb_text_column hr, .elementor-text-editor h1, .elementor-text-editor h2, .elementor-text-editor h3, .elementor-text-editor h4, .elementor-text-editor h5, .elementor-text-editor h6, .elementor-text-editor hr{ margin-bottom: 25px; }

    Change value 25 to value as you wantsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • christinavennegerts replied

    Hi =)

    Thank you for your help!

    Your code somehow changes the margins of every block, so two paragraphs seem to be X px apart, not just the headline from the paragraph block that came before.

    I switched it around a bit so now, the spacing is only being applied to headlines, separating them from the paragraph that came before:

    .post-entry .has-drop-cap:not(:focus):after{ padding-top: 0; }
    .post-entry h1, .post-entry h2, .post-entry h3, .post-entry h4, .post-entry h5, .post-entry h6, .post-entry hr, .wpb_text_column h1, .wpb_text_column h2, .wpb_text_column h3, .wpb_text_column h4, .wpb_text_column h5, .wpb_text_column h6, .wpb_text_column hr, .elementor-text-editor h1, .elementor-text-editor h2, .elementor-text-editor h3, .elementor-text-editor h4, .elementor-text-editor h5, .elementor-text-editor h6, .elementor-text-editor hr{ margin-top: 45px; }
    Have a great day =)!