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  Public Ticket #2294537
header widget only for homepage


  • roxanasidoreac started the conversation

    Hello there!
    I just uploaded full demo of travel soledad template and started to personalize. I need to have an widget just below the header and this template is great because haveit already. unfourtenly the widget still activated on all pages, posts and single pages, but I need to have it just on homepage.
    Can you help me to set it up as I need? moreover, in singlepages the widget have some issue....

    In addition to that, elementor is not available to edit pages. I don;t know if the template si the reason or other kind of error.

    Looking forward for your help


    the website is
    the big displaying issue:

  • roxanasidoreac replied

    I managed to set the header signup form only on the home page.
    Meanwhile can you check the elementor issue?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On the Travel Magazine demo, we don't use Elementor to build the homepage, so if you want to build homepage by use Elementor, you can check this guide to know how to do that.

    If you don't see "Edit by Elementor" when you edit a page, please try deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again.

    After it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Best Regards,
