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  Public Ticket #2294735
Picture description


  • Mircea_Cristian started the conversation


    How to have a description below the main picture of an article?
    Pic 1 ist he now situation, capture 2 is what I want to have.

    For a news website, is very important that description and the copyright for the picture!!!
    I filled in the description text for the picture in Media folder, but it doesn't show up!

    Thank you!

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please go to Customizer > Single Post Options then check "Enable Caption on Featured Image" option  as scrreenshot

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied

    Thanks, but NOT working!

  • ninamarie8253 replied

    SORRY to butt in, but I dont know of another way to connect to support!!! I CANT submit a ticket because it keeps asking me to verify with envato, and when I do, it brings me back to the beginning!! Its a never ending circle! Please help.

    I updated my theme, and lost all of my widgets for my sidebar.  I Replaced them, and now my pinterest board does not show up when I connect it to my account?

    Thank you!

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please  send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   Mircea_Cristian replied privately
  • ninamarie8253 replied

    Hi Penci, can you please send me a direct email as I can't disclose my admin url and password on a public forum. [email protected].  Thank you!

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I go to Customizer > Addtional CSS then add custom css to do that

    .penci-caption-above-img .penci-wp-caption .penci-wp-caption-text,
    .penci-caption-above-img .penci-wp-caption .wp-caption-text,
    .penci-caption-above-img .wp-caption .penci-wp-caption-text,
    .penci-caption-above-img .wp-caption .wp-caption-text {
        color: #111;
        font-style: normal;
        position: relative;
        background: transparent;

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied


    And the second problem?

  • Mircea_Cristian replied

    When the mouse is over the caption text... it vanish! Why?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    About  the caption text, i change custom css to fix when hover.

    About block 6, it appears that you  hide block on desktop, please edit block 6 shortcode then go to "Reponsive" tab and check "Show on Desktop" option as screenshot

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied


    I do not want Block 6 to be shown on desktop! I chosed that.

    ONLY on mobile! And it's not working, block 6 vanish after a few minutes.

    For desktop layout is block 18.

    It's not possible to have different layouts?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Strange, i checked on your site and i saw block still show on mobile as screenshot

    Please send me  video for the issue. I will check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied

    I told you ... this situation (as u show me in capture) vanish after a few minutes ...
    You must re check after 20min, for example

  •  501
    Penci replied


    i will check it and respond as soon as possible.

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied

    Thank you! Waiting....

  • ninamarie8253 replied

    PENCI I have been trying to contact you about my PINTEREST widget not working on PLEASE Help me, I can't get past the 'submit a ticket' request, it's a never ending loop to 'Verify Purchase with Envato'.  PLEASE contact me back!!! -Nina Marie

  •  501
    Penci replied


    1/ Thank you for your all feedback about PINTEREST widget,

    I saw the issue and fixing the issue. I will and the fix to the next update version of PenNews theme.

    2/ About can't get past the 'submit a ticket' request, please  add leader of our custom work team via skype:    kang120889

    And you can talk with him there.

    Best Regards,


  •   Mircea_Cristian replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied

    Hi Mircea_Cristian,

    Our team was checked in more than 15 hours and we can not find what is the issues.

    I check your site on my phone ( iphone 7plus and xiaomi redmi 5 plus ). 

    And we have also fixed block 6 on the home page. then check and i saw  your site work fine on mobile.

    I think the issue cause the cache. Please remove cache before check it again

    Best Regards,


  • Mircea_Cristian replied

    This is a capture from my mobile, Samsung Galaxy A6+, Android

    How to remove cache?


  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please go to Dashboard  then click to "Purge Cache" link to remove cache link  as screenshot

    I think the issue cause by LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

    I remove cache and i saw block 6 show on mobile

    Please try use another cache plugin WP Super CacheW3 Total Cache

    Best Regards,


  • GBSMedia replied

    Hello Penci Team,

    We are having a similar issue with trying to submit a ticket. It enters a loop of "Verify your purchase with Envato" and just restarts the ticket submission.

    Any other way we could open up a ticket?

  •  501
    Penci replied

    Hi @GBSMedia,

    Is your support expired? Because if your support is expired, you can't be create a new ticket. Please renew the support to keep support from us, hope you can understand that's the support policy of Envato Market and we can't violate it.

    Best Regards,

  •   Mircea_Cristian replied privately
  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please go to Customizer > AddtionalCSS then add custom css to do that

    .penci-caption-above-img .penci-wp-caption:hover .penci-wp-caption-text, .penci-caption-above-img .penci-wp-caption:hover .wp-caption-text, .penci-caption-above-img .wp-caption:hover .penci-wp-caption-text, .penci-caption-above-img .wp-caption:hover .wp-caption-text {
        transform: translateY(0);
        opacity: 1;

    Best Regards,


  • norwegiannomad replied

    I am trying to get the Soledad Instagram Feed widget working, I have entered my User ID and Access token. I can get it to work when I select user name as option, but not when I select the hash option, and I really want to select images based on a particular hash tag. Can you help?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please  send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,
