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  Public Ticket #2295749
Lazy Load


  • pradeepmamgain started the conversation


    I am using JetPack's CDN and lazy image load.

    Should I turn off Jetpack's lazy load, will it make my website faster?

    Also, I would like to know if I turn off Jetpack's lazy load can I still use their CDN with Soledad's lazy load function.

    What's the best option for  boosting website's speed?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    By default this theme already supports for lazyload images.

    If you want to use lazyload images feature from the theme, let's disable lazyload images from Jetpack or another plugins. Of course you still can use CDN from Jetpack when you turn off lazyload images from Jetpack.

    If you want to use lazyload images from Jetpack, you can turn off lazyload images from the theme via:

    Disable lazyload images on category mega menu on Customize > Logo and Header Options > Disable Lazyload Images on Category Mega Menu

    Disable lazyload images on all layouts, widgets on Customize > General Options > Disable Lazyload on All Posts Layouts & Widgets

    Disable lazyload images on featured slider on Customize > Featured Slider Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on The Slider

    Disable lazyload images on single posts page on Customize > Single Post Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on Single Posts

    You can give it a try to see what's better for yousmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • pradeepmamgain replied

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have disabled Jetpack's lazy load. My site speed score on desktop is 92 now but on mobile its 49. Is there any option in the theme to boost it up?



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked your site on Pingdom speed and I see your site just take 3s to load everything. It's great speed for any website, no need to care much about google speed on mobile because it doesn't affect anything to your site. Just feel your website speed ok is enoughsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • pradeepmamgain replied

    Thanks man!